when i posted some animazement pics

Welllllll thanks a lot you stupid page… as soon as I email hispeed it comes back up. Now I’m going to get one of those “It comes up for us,” emails. Bleh!
I posted some pics I’ve found of ash and I at az in my livejournal, but here’s a few more I’ve found:

Ling Xiaoyus:



1, 2, 3


I wish I’d come on home with dad and ash monday. But if I had, I wouldn’t have gotten my new Holy Grail figure, Patsy! Also got Bilbo action figure (he’s got some UGLY hair), Love Hina dvd and two copies of the Harry Potter dvd. Two, you ask? I’ll explain later.

Anyway, I’ll be back home friday. Expect my AZ report/photos and my Star Wars opening night pics up sometime this weekend.

Oh! I haven’t listed everything I got! I didn’t get all that much, but here it is…
*Tidus action figure
*Auron action figure (already lost his glasses 🙁 )
*Rally Vincent action figure
*Yoshiyuki Sadamoto artbook Der Mond
*Groundwork of Evangelion 3 artbook
*3 little trigun figures – knives, wolfwood and vash
*Wolfwood and Milly keychains (ash got vash and meryl)
*Kuroneko plushie
*NERV bag

Ok, I’d better sign off before I get booted.